Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sister Sue, A Good Thrifty Day

So today Patricia and I went thrifting in Vero. Sadly, as it is New Year's Eve, many favorite shops were closed or closed early.... we still made out well.

First, I saw this jacket in Oslo Road Goodwill, the very best thrift I've found in a long time! And then minutes later I found designer capris (in white which is never good in thrift??) in perfect shape ALL in Sister Sue's sizes. So, since her son, my nephew Nik, is getting married in St. Augustine (at the Lightner!) in June, I felt Sue needed new FLA friendly stuff. I think I did very, very well here! Total outfit, which she is in love with, head to knee, $4.00!!!????!!! Insaneooooo perfect!

Also got a lovely, lovely thing for Erin, which is, naturally, a secret. And jeans for me that fit like they were tailored to me, in a khaki brown.... for $1.50!!! Very cool day of thrifting. Except for the part where among her other lovely things, Patricia got a bottle brush tree, vintage.... for $.25? How on earth did I miss that one?

Anyway, loves to Sister Sue. You cleaned up today......And Happy New Year to ALL!!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Chair for Patricia

Yesterday I saw this chair at Dogs and Cats thrift. I described it to Pat who is still in ALA, but I knew the chair wouldn't last till she got home for Christmas. So I went back when they opened and snagged it for $35. The lady had Jack help her learn how to set up their new store CD player, so she gave me the icicle ornament (Erin's style) and the elf free. He is either Snap, Crackle or Pop, anyway he lives with the other pixies now.

Pat's doing the FLA house over in "vintage Florida comfort style". Not kitschy, just relaxed old tropical sort of. Anyway, this chair will match everything she's got going on in the living room. Also, can you see in the close up, the needlepoint is signed, 1930 GS! Cool. And comfortable beyond belief.

Friday, December 12, 2008

More Christmas Finds

I stopped at our newly relocated Dogs and Cats Forever Thrift and it was great! Mrs. Murphy the cat came from there about seven years ago, so I have a fondness for the place.
I got totally great stocking hangers for $1 each! And never had them before because I always used my painting easel to hang them off, often unsuccessfully. But it finally dawned on me, huh, hang them off the bar counter...... I can be slow...
And I saw the card hanger at Bealls yesterday for $29.99 but half off. I thought about it, but got this one today for $1.50. Perfect. THEN, TA DA!!!! A real, REAL UFO ornament! I have several of the bell shaped ones, never had a UFO!!! The price was not on it, the lady at the counter says, " you want this?" Kind of in disbelief... so she charged me twenty five cents.... WOO HOOOOOOO

Little Finds

I stopped at Goodwill yesterday and found these goodies for ten cents each. A different kind of elf, I love Mrs. Santa, and Erin collects these beaded ones.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas finds....

Here in WI with it being 7 degrees out and no yard sales in sight for a long long time. I took a trip to one of my thrift stores. Finding a few Christmas goodies:

- I think I know someone in need of Reindeer ...hmmmm

- I love this gnome/elf guy!

-I found this set of hand painted wooden ornaments that I thought were so cute.

One of my favorites

-Another one of my favorites!

I am hoping to get to this wonderful consignment shop downtown tomorrow! I have a hair appointment across the street from it! Wish me LUCK!