Sunday, November 30, 2008


Ok, my thrifty procurements over the past week will take me MONTHS to blog. It's insane.

I have pics ready of this box of buttons though.

Mom thinks that a lot of these are that bakelite buttons, apparently they are worth something. I just like pretty buttons. That's all I know about buttons. Here is a list of other stuff I got, NOT a full list:
Literature Anthology.
about 50lbs of fabric
binding tape
tons of books
textbooks for my kids learning time
clothes for kids
shirt for husband
two sweaters for me
stroller for pushing kids (actually handles really well, way better than our expensive one)
games for kids
toys for kids
blankie for ethan
a bike
a Kate Spade purse
3 vintage sheets
a bike for Stephen
a swiffer carpet flicker thingie (which I actually like)
an atlas, which my mom stole. :) (kidding I gave it to her)

See? A LOT of thrift finds I need to update.

1 comment:

Linda B said...

Your mommy loves that atlas. Seriously loves it. Thank you.